Thursday, October 2, 2008

Is it considered behind in life or can I just say I'm late?

I thought yesterday was busy, but today is proving to be even more so. Though it might be okay because today starts later than any other. I have my Child Development class at 11:30 and then English Academic Society and then French and then working at the Evening with President Clark. I'm conducting the music tonight and I am terrified. I don't do so well in front of people, lots of people. I practiced for quite some time last night with Nicole. She's the best for being so patient with me. It probably doesn't help that I can't read music haha.

I have to be all dressed up for tonight, Sunday best and all. That means I will be wearing a skirt and pantyhose all day today. Oh the joys of being Mormon :)

All of this activity today means I can't get anything done that I had planned on getting done. I need to go to the post office and mail the check to my little brother for his fundraiser and Joey's birthday card (his birthday was last Wednesday by the way) and I'm way behind on making fudge, which means I probably won't be able to send it to anyone until Monday. I also want to start working on the package we're going to be sending Andy and the package I want to send the missionaries in Virginia. I'm still working on how to get their address.

Also I've only read 10 out of 25 books for my Young Adult Lit class so I need to read A LOT this weekend so I'm nnt rushing to do it at the last minute. I've read the book I'm teaching to the class and the book I'm doing for the book talk and I just finished the book I'm doing my rationale report on. All I need to do is find two books to do for my classical bridge essay. A classical bridge is when i take a calssic book that it's hard for teenagers to connect with (ie. Scarlet Letter, Hamlet, Hounds of the Baskervilles) and pick a current yound adult book that will get them interested in reading the classic. I did this back at Longwood with Hamlet and Harry Potter, but for this paper I really want to use War and Peace or maybe even The Scarlet Letter, but I'm having trouble thinking of current young adult books that would help them get interested in the story. Any suggestions would be awesome.


nikki said...

Lacey have I mentioned in the last...I don't know ten minutes how much I love you and how awesome you are and how little of a life I have that all I do is sit on blogspot and facebook all day? But anyways, you're awesome and you will do great tonight, I promise. You're not a bad conductor. Just remember to breathe and if you do mess up just play it off, nobody will notice. And if they do blame it on me for being a bad teacher. Well you're out of the bathroom so I'm done...

Aleece said...

good luck with all of that!! i feel like that most days, but it'll all work out for you!!