Friday, February 6, 2009

Computer Background

So I've been meaning to make a fantastical background for my laptop so that I can have pictures of all of my loved ones to look at instead of having to settled for changing the picture all the time. So today because I had no class and didn't have to leave the apartment until 1pm I decided to make it. I've had an idea in my head for quite some time of what I wanted it to look like, which made it both simpler and more complicated going in. First I had to find all the brushes I wanted and download them and then import them into photoshop. After I did that I spent quite a bit of time looking for a corkboard background, but to no avail so I improvised by using a cardboard brush and enlarging it to cover the entire background. You can't even tell it's supposed to be cardboard.

The other thing that took quite a while was fitting the pictures on the polaroid brushed and I'm still not quite happy with two of them. I'm a perfectionist what can I say. But I grew frustrated and just figured I'd go back and fiddle around with it some other time. But for now here's the 'finished' product.

I also wanted to make Valentine's Day cards for both Ruth and Tiffany of their kids, but I kept thinking about it and never did it and now it's probably too late. Maybe I'll have time to make them anyway, but they may be after Valentine's Day...maybe I should just shoot for St. Patrick's Day instead.

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